Monday, May 14, 2012

Learning in digital Photography (After class is over)

For this assignment you will begin to learn how to further your education in photography. It will however require a little effort on your part. For this class you have been guided through learning about different concepts in photography. These concepts have been dictated to you through the lessons and assignments assigned by the teacher. Now that the test is over we have some opportunity for exploring some concepts you would like to learn. If you don’t want to learn, too bad.

You will choose a concept in digital photography you want to know more about. Try and pick one with some depth. A few examples include but are not limited to: how to do something in Photoshop, settings on the camera, setting up for a photoshoot.

In order to ensure you are learning from this project you will be required to do the following activities:

· Write a min 2 page project on the concept of your choice including:

o Definition

o Explanation

o Brief tutorial someone could go through to understand the concept

§ For example if my topic was Shutter Speed I would have a person take a photo of splashing water with two setting and explain the difference between the photos. (you will want to break things down into super simple steps to get the length you want)


· Click lesson 2 for an example

· Prepare a 5-10 min PowerPoint explaining your concept and tutorial. (this should have pictures in it that you have taken (no online pictures) for demonstration)

· Turn in a printed 8X10 picture that demonstrates the concept.

Monday, May 7, 2012


For this project you will create a story using your pictures.  Photostory is a free online program that will allow you to import your pictures, put them in order, add music and titles, and export a video of your story.  This is used by photographers all the time for weddings, funerals, and other events.  The important part of this assignment is to complete each step.  Plan, Shoot, edit/produce, and export.
      When you begin a task of this size the best things to do is start with a  plan.  It can be as simple as a list of the locations or positions you want pictures of, and can be as complex as a storyboard that has sketches of the photos with captions explaining the photos relevance to the story.  You should complete a word document with your plan and turn it in with your assignment.
     In order to make this assignment great you will need to take alot of pictures.  You should have over 100.  I know this seems like alot but if you have lots of pictures you will be able to create a better story.  At least 20-30 of these will end up in your story.
     I will give the class a demonstration of the program and explain how to use the program on Monday November 7th.  See me if you are absent to arrange how to get the information.  Your story should have at least 20-30 pictures, at least one title, and be put to music.  Additional features my be avaliable but are not required.
     When you are finished with editing the story complete the activity by exporting the project and save it to your computer.  We will watch these videos the last couple of days in class.  If you want to burn it to a CD you can bring one in and I will help you with it.
Your assignment should include the following documents:
  • A word document with your planning information on it.
  • A contact sheet with 100 photos on it.
  • A completed photostory.
Bonus points will a awarded if you post your photostory to your blog.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Buying a camera

For this assignment you will research at least 3 different digital cameras that you would like to buy.  You will post the pictures of each camera and the specifications that make these cameras important to you to your blog.  Then pick the one you would buy and provide an explanation of why you choose that camera.  Keep in mind these questions when you are looking:

  • What do you need the camera for?
  • What type of photography will you be doing? (portraits, landscapes, macro, sports)
  • What conditions will you be largely photographing in? (indoors, outdoors, low light, bright light)
  • Will you largely stay in auto mode or do you want to learn the art of photography?
  • What experience level do you have with cameras?
  • What type of features are you looking for? (long zoom, image stabilization, large LCD display etc)
  • How important is size and portability to you?
  • What is your budget?

This assignment is due on Friday by the end of class.

Buying a camera

For this assignment you will research at least 3 different digital cameras that you would like to buy.  You will post the pictures of each camera and the specifications that make these cameras important to you to your blog.  Then pick the one you would buy and provide an explanation of why you choose that camera.  Keep in mind these questions when you are looking:

  • What do you need the camera for?
  • What type of photography will you be doing? (portraits, landscapes, macro, sports)
  • What conditions will you be largely photographing in? (indoors, outdoors, low light, bright light)
  • Will you largely stay in auto mode or do you want to learn the art of photography?
  • What experience level do you have with cameras?
  • What type of features are you looking for? (long zoom, image stabilization, large LCD display etc)
  • How important is size and portability to you?
  • What is your budget?

This assignment is due on Friday by the end of class.

Worksheet #2 Due Friday at the end of class for full credit

1. Give an example of when to use the following Lenses

· Wide Angle lens

· Fisheye Lens

· Telephoto zoom lens

2. What is the mode that each of the following symbols stand for

· AV

· TV

· M

· P

· Mountains

· A symbol of a persons head

3. What does ppi stand for and what is the ideal ppi for an 8X10 print?

4. Define Shutter Speed and explain how a picture with a fast shutter speed is different from one with a shower shutter speed

5. What does it mean to adjust the saturation of a photo? When would you adjust it?

6. List the steps for using the clone stamp tool.

7. What is a contact sheet?

8. Give an example of leading lines.

9. What is the cameras buffer and when would it be used?

10. What is the ideal resolution for e-mailing photos?

11. How many pixels are in a megapixel?

12. How can you draw a perfectly horizontal line in Photoshop?

13. What is the keyboard shortcut to undo a single step?

14. How does the amount of light affect the photo?

15. How and when do you create a new layer in Photoshop?

16. What does SLR stand for?

17. Name 5 things to consider when looking to buy a digital camera and list them from most important to least important.

18. What is the difference between digital and optical zoom and which one will provide a better photo?

Monday, April 30, 2012

Assignment 15 Framing your shot

For this assignment you will read the article at the following link

After you understand framing your shot go and take some pictures.  Take enough so that you will have at least one good shot.  After you have your chosen shot use what you know from previous assignments to adjust the picture in Photoshop and then post the original photo along with the “fixed” photo to your blog.  You will be given points for completing the assignment along with points for your ability to creatively frame a shot.  This assignment will be due on Wednesday May 2nd before class starts. 

Your post should contain:

  • Original picture
  • “fixed” photo that demonstrates framing of a shot
  • An explanation of how your picture demonstrates the concept of framing.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

State Test Review Worksheet 3rd Tri 2012_#1

 State Test Review.  You can copy and paste this worksheet into Word then work on it on the computer.  Mr Williams and Mr Andrus will not be here on Friday.  Please be respectful to the substitute who will be here.

Name: ________________________________
Use the internet and any other sources you can to answer the following questions. When you are finished print your answers and turn them in. We will review these questions on Monday. We will have a test that covers these concepts.
Explain three major difference between film cameras and digital cameras.
Explain what opacity means in Photoshop.
What happens when you push the shutter button on your camera down halfway?
What does it mean when you are using the Aperture Priority mode on your camera?
Explain 6 modes of a camera and how they will be used. Portrait, Landscape, Action, AV, TV, P
Define how Red-eye happens in a photo
Define pixelization
Explain 2 major difference between DSLR and point and shoot cameras.
What does on-camera direct flash do for photos.
What is the most common file format for photographic images?
How do you determine the faster shutter speed?
When was the digital camera invented? What else happened that year?
What is a histogram and how is it used in photography?
Name three types of digital memory cards.
Explain Dodging and burning tools in Photoshop
Explain in your own words the Rule of Thirds
Explain when you would use Continuous shooting mode (burst mode).
Name three selection tools used in Photoshop.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Assn #14 Forced Perspective

The easiest way to explain forced perspective in photography is to show examples.  Check out this link for some examples. or this link for some tips  Try an internet search for “forced perspective”
Think about how you would like to set up a shot.  Think about the effect you are trying to achieve.  Angle, distance, depth of field, and focus can make a big difference. Work together if you need to.  For this assignment post 3 creative forced perspective shots on your blog.  Take your time and do a good job.  Explain what rules you used and how you set up your shot to achieve the desired result.
Due 1 May.
Thanks for being great students I enjoyed being your teacher.  Today is my last day student teaching although I will be back to substitute a few times before school is out while Mr Williams is taking care of his family in Salt Lake.

# 13 Most Interesting Picture

Monday while we were moving computers you were assigned to find the most interesting picture.  Take an interesting picture and post it to your blog.  This is due Wednesday the 25th of April.  Don’t think too hard about it just do it.  Have fun.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

assignment #12

Action Photography
Taking photographs of sporting events and things in motion is a fun part of owning a camera. For this assignment we will be taking some action shots. You may want to review ISO and shutter speed. Get familiar with your camera some have an action shooting mode that may help for this assignment. Check out the website below for some tips.
For this assignment you will post 3 good action shots of anything in motion to your blog. This take lots of practice so do plenty of trial shots. Do not turn in blurry pictures. Give an explanation of what is going on in your photograph and what the subject is, also all rules followed.
Due Friday April 20th.
Also parent teacher conference in next week. Look at your grade and make sure you agree with what you have.

Monday, April 9, 2012

9 April 2012


See Project 1.  It will be due on Friday.  Also all extra credit will be due Friday.  If you would like a flex pass to come in and work let me know.  I also have 5th period prep so if you let me know you can come and work then.  All other assignments are due.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Extra Credit


Night Photography – Get night shots that require a long shutter opening.  Streaks of light, moving light, lightning etc.  Google ideas for night shots.

Panaramic shots- Use a tripod and capture consecutive shots you can merge together on photoshop.  Google ideas for panaramic shots.

If you have another idea of something you would like to do I may let you do it with prior approval.

What ever you choose to do it needs at least 2 pictures posted to your blog with an explanation of what you learned.

Due 13 April

Assignment #11


Removing Skin Blemishes with the Spot Healing Brush.

One of the more significant tools that is used in Photoshop for portrait photography is the spot healing brush. In this assignment you will lean the basic concepts of how this tool works. Your assignment is to go to the following website and read the tutorial. Then take a portrait picture of someone between the ages of 15-18 (with their permission of course). Use the spot healing brush tool to “fix” the photo. Post the original and the “fixed” photo on your blog.

Your post should contain:

· Original photo

· “fixed” photo

· Explanation of how well this tutorial helped you understand the tool.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Assignment #10

Create a collage of at least 5 photographs you have taken. For this assignment you will be required to use the selection section of the tool bar in Adobe Photoshop. You should use at least two; the crop tool, magic wand tool, lasso tool, ect. Once you get your five photos placed in the collage create a blog post.

Your post should contain:

· Original Pictures (all five)

· Collage

· Explanation of how this project contains at least 3 concepts we have covered in class.

To learn some tricks you can do with the crop tool and to better understand how it functions go to  and read the article.  Bonus points is you include an explanation about which crop tips in the article you used for you project.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Project #1

Project #1

Portrait Photography
Think of this as if you were a portrait photographer and are taking pictures at your studio or on location. Figure out how to get their face properly lit, be conscious of the background, and take lots of pictures. You should have at least 4 different backdrops and should take at least 75 pictures. This is an experimental and learning assignment, try applying different lighting types, pay attention to what looks good coming out of the camera. At the end of this assignment you will pick the best 3 pictures edit them and turn them in. You will print an 8 x 10 of the one you like best. 
You will turn in 3 portraits for this assignment, edited and cleaned up on photo shop.  1 portrait of a subject 15-18 years old, 1 portrait of a subject 35-45 years old.  and 1 portrait of a subject ~55+.   Each portrait will have with it;
o   a contact sheet with a minimum of 25 pictures.
o   a full size original picture
o   a full size edited picture
·         The best of the three you will print an 8 x 10 of in color to show off your sick photo skills.
This will be due Friday 13th of April.

Assignment #9

ISO & Shutter speed
Ok, this is a difficult thing for some people to get but when you do get it you should no longer be afraid of manual mode on your camera.  The trick is to learn what the ISO setting does, then figure out how it is related to other settings, such as aperture.  Go to   and complete the assignment noted under the ISO and Shutter speed link.  This is a longer assignment and will be worth 40 points because it has 2 parts (3 pictures in your post). 
For your blog you will post the kitchen sink assignment from the tutorial and post the two pictures to your blog.  Be sure to post the settings you used on your camera, including the aperture and ISO.  Please provide a description of why the pictures are different.  An additional photo is required for this post.  It will need to be a well composed shot that uses the ISO settings in some way.
Your post should include:
  • One picture of splashing water with the ISO set around 1/80th of a second.
  • One picture of splashing water with the ISO set around 1/1000 of a second.
  • An explanation of the settings for each photo (which is which)
  • Explanation of why the pictures show what they show.
  • A third picture (well composed) in which you used your ISO settings (shutter priority mode).
  • Information on the third picture regarding the composition and settings of the photo and why you chose those settings.
If you cannot find the ISO settings on your camera:
  • Google the model of your camera with the word manual.
  • View the pdf of your manual
  • Search for ISO using the find tool in adobe reader.
  • If your manual confirms that your camera does not have the settings post the model number of your camera on your post with an explanation of what ISO means and how it can be set.
  • Due 29 March.

Assignment #8


For this assignment we will explore the Aperture setting on your camera.  The setting will determine how much of your photo is in focus.  If you do not have that setting available (check your manual) you will still be expected to know the information and attempt to complete the assignment.  Go to and select the first lesson titled aperture.  This will bring up a PDF document that contains some information and an assignment. 

The assignment is located in the PDF link.  The first thing you will do is locate the manual for your camera (search online if you do not have a hard copy) to determine weather your camera has adjustable f/stop settings.  Next the details of the assignment are located on page 3 of the above mentioned link.  Take the 3 pictures, I would try it with 4-5 different subjects (12-15 photos total) so you will have at least one good example, and post them similar to page 4 of the instructions.  Post your pictures to the blog and list the settings that your camera was set to for each picture.

Your post should contain:

  • Three to five pictures of the same subject using different f/stop settings.
  • An explanation of what setting was used for each picture.
  • An explanation of the subject in the photograph.
  • Due 27th of March.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Assignment #7

Image Size and Quality
For this assignment you will go to and read the article on Image Size and Quality.  Answer the following questions and save them to your H: drive for use later.
  • Define Pixel and how is it related to digital photography.
  • What are the two meanings of resolution?
  • How is pixel size specified?  (2 ways)
  • Explain how the image is captured.
  • How is color introduced to a picture?
  • What is the difference between jpeg, bmp, tiff, and RAW file types and why would you use each?
Take a picture, or use one you have already taken.  Upload it to your computer and save it to your H: drive.  In windows explorer find the file that is your picture, right click it and select properties.  Record the location of your file, and the file size, listed in the properties tab.  In the properties window select the details tab.  Scroll down and list the following information: dimensions, horizontal and vertical resolution, and file type, post the picture, location, and file size to your blog.
Your post should contain:
  • Picture with an explanation of how it follows the rules
  • Location listed under the properties tab
  • File size listed under the properties tab.
  • Dimensions, horizontal and vertical resolution, and file type from the details tab.
  • Due 26th of March

Monday, March 19, 2012

Assignment #6


White Balance

Many people who use digital cameras never use the white balance feature.  Today you will explore the white balance setting on your digital camera.  Go to and read about white balance.  After reading the article answer the following questions: (you will be given a quiz on this concept)

· What is white balance?

· What types of lighting are associated with white balance?

· Can you adjust your white balance on your camera?

· Why would you adjust white balance on your camera?

For this assignment you will take 20 pictures, of a single subject and perspective, using 4 different white balance settings. (5 of each settings).  These photos can be taken in the classroom.  You will post on your blog one photo from each of the four settings on your blog so I can see the four pictures with different color settings or “temperatures”.  Also, explain what each white balance setting was on your camera, for example auto, daylight, cloudy, florescent, ect. and the type of location this setting might be best for.

Your post should contain:

· Four photos of the same subject, same perspective, with different white balance settings.

· An explanation of what settings are on the camera.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Assignment #5

Same Subject, New Perspective
When you take a photo the perspective you take the photo from makes a lot of difference in the story the photo tells.  To better understand this concept you could see how many different pictures you could take of a single subject.  For your assignment you will be required to take 40 pictures of the same subject and pick 2 different pictures that contain the same subject.  These pictures should clearly tell a different story.  Post both pictures to your blog and explain the subject and why the story is different. 
  • 2 different photos of the same subject
  • Explanation of the composition rules the photo follows
  • Explanation of why the three photos tell different stories.
Be sure to include details.
Due Monday March 19.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Assignment #4

Leading Lines
Your next assignment will be on leading lines, or LL’s.  Go to for some great examples and a better explanation than I could ever do.  After you have read and are comfortable with LL’s, it is picture taking time.  Take at least 30 pictures of what you feel is a good example of leading lines.  As before pick the top 2-3 and get some input from other people. 
Take a look at how these photos use leading lines and the rules thirds.
Your blog post should contain:
· Two pictures that show a great example of leading lines.
· An explanation (2-3 sentences) of why you feel it is a good example of LL’s
· An explanation (2-3 sentences)of how your photo also applies the rule of thirds and subject.
· Also with this post I would like you to list the people you talked to to help you choose your best photo.  (this will force some of you to get input from other people because I may ask them if they gave you input)
Note that I expect you to take 30 photos for this assignment.  The reason for this is you should apply more than one rule in your photo and it will take a bit more thinking to get it done.
Due Friday March 16.

Assignment #3

Rule of Thirds
The next area we will cover is the “Rule of Thirds”.  In the previous assignment we talked about “subject”.  Each good photo should have a clear subject.  The rule of thirds helps to bring focus to the subject.  To understand the rule divide the picture into thirds top to bottom and left to right like the example below.
Studies show when people look at photos they tend to focus on where these lines intersect.  These areas are the strong areas of the photo.  These strong areas are where you will place the “subject” of the photo.  This will make the shot more interesting.  For example, in the photo on the left the subject is centered in the photo.  On the right the subject of the photo has been moved to the focal point of the photo.  The picture becomes more interesting and balanced.
Go to the following website and read the article on the rule of thirds.
It is important to remember this rule comes naturally to some people.  Others (who are great photographers) have to think about this rule.
In the photo below the girls eyes are where the two lines intersect and she is positioned slightly to the left.  The hair flows right along the left line and brings attention to the subject of this photo (a little girl with a Rapunzel wig).  The rule of thirds used in this photo helps make the subject clear and helps the photo tell a story.  You can almost hear her say “look at my wonderful hair”. 
Look how the barn and the dead tree both fall under the rule of thirds.
The moon falls roughly within the rule of thirds, think how it would look if it was dead center.
Assignment #3
Your assignment is to take a great photo that demonstrates the rule of thirds.  Keep in mind your photo must have a subject like in the previous assignment.  You should take at least 20-30 photos before you begin to sort through what you have.  You should identify 2-3 photos that fit the assignment well and that you like.  Ask for advice from at least 3 people and use their input to help you choose one GREAT photo that demonstrated this rule.  Keep in mind that people may ask you to provide input on their photos.  Be polite and help each other.
Your blog post should include:
At least two photos that is a great demonstration of the rule of thirds.
At least 2-3 sentences for each photo explaining why you feel your photo demonstrates this rule.
Using the last lesson also explain the subject.
Any additional information that can help me understand your perspective and why this is a good photo.   This will help me provide feedback so you can better understand the rule
Due Wednesday March 14th.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Assignment #2

Every good photo has a “subject”.  That does not mean that there is a person in the photo, it means the photo is OF and ABOUT something.  Of describes what object may be in the picture, while about describes About describes emotions or concepts.  For example, go to  and read the article “What’s the Subject of This Photograph”.  In this example there are several pictures of a barn with horses in the window.  Each picture has a clear subject, or is of and about something.  If you look beyond the Of and think in terms of About the pictures begin to tell a story.  A picture is worth a thousand words, but in a great picture the words create a story. 
When you are thinking about the subject of a photo think about how you would search the web for the picture.  Often the obvious subject is listed. For example if you search Google images under the search term “bridge” the photo below will come up.  The bridge is the obvious subject of the photo.  Although that is what this photo is “of”, the subject of this photo can be much more than that.  This photo is about something other than a bridge. 
When you are trying to determine the subject of a photo ask yourself the following questions. 
Who? Who or what is this a picture of? Are there people? Children? Men? Women? Cows? Horses? Trees? Buildings? A specific named person or thing?
What? What are the creatures or objects in this picture doing? What is their condition or state of being? What emotions are conveyed by these actions or conditions? What abstract ideas do these actions or conditions symbolize?
Where? Where is this picture spatially? Is it an identifiable geographic place? Is it a mythical place? Does place matter in this picture?
When? The concept of When can be both a specific date and a time period. Is the time period significant? Can you determine the time period?
Who, What, Where, or When is the subject of these photos?

noah chinese newyear

Assignment #2
For assignment #2 you will take a picture that has a clear subject.  One important concept to learn is that you will not get good photos unless you take photos, lots of photos.  For this assignment you should take at least 20 pictures and then you can select a few favorites.  Get input from at least 2 other people, (people in the class would be great to get input from), and select your best photo.  You will post this picture to your blog as a demonstration of your amazing ability.  Below the photo you should write a brief explanation (2-3 sentences) explaining why you think your photo has a clear subject and what story you think your photo tells.  I would like to show some examples in class so if you do not wish for me to use your example please make a note of it on your blog.
Your blog post should contain the following:
1.  A photo with a clear subject.  (it should tell and story)
2.  An explanation of why you feel this photo has a clear subject.
3.  An explanation of the story you think your photo tells.
Remember to answer the questions:


Sunday, March 4, 2012

Assignment #1

Getting Started

In this assignment you will create a private blog that you can share only with people you give permission to.  You will turn in many of your assignment using this blog including the photo assignments.  It is important to remember that this is a classroom blog so all posts will be seen by Mr. Williams and other teachers and principals of the school so please, for your benefit, keep ALL posts and parts of posts school appropriate.
The first step is to create a g-mail account.  (you may use an existing e-mail account that is not g-mail, however with a g-mail account you may encounter less problems.)
Next go to and use your e-mail account to set up a blogger account.  You will know you have been successful when you end up at a page that shows your Blogger Dashboard.  It should look similar to mine pictured below except you will not have a blog yet.
Once on your dashboard you should upload a photo of you to serve as your profile photo.  You may update any areas of the rest of your profile in any way that you like.  However only waste time on it if you are ahead of the class with your assignments.  The Photo of you is the only required part.
Once you have created a Blogger account it is now time to create your Blog.
Click on the “Create a Blog” link on your dashboard.  You will be asked to name your blog.  You must use your last name as part of the Blog title so it may be identified for grading.  If you have issues with this talk to Mr. Williams.  The blog address is entirely up to you provided it is available.
Next, you will choose a “starter template”.  Choose one that you like, they can be changed anytime so don’t spend too much time picking a template.
Click the continue button and whammo you are ready to start blogging.  At this point you have the option to “Start posting” or “customize how your blog looks”.  Go ahead and do some customizing if you have time, points will be given for a nice looking blog.  When you are done click on “go back to Blogger, click on the “Dashboard” button at the top of the page.
The post for this class will be done using “Windows Live Writer”.  You may use another method as long as your blog has the necessary components.

Making it private
When you create your blog it is by default public, meaning anyone may look at your posts.  For this class your blog MUST be private, meaning you choose who can see it.  To do this complete the following steps.
  1. Go to your blogger dashboard.
  2. Find you classroom blog, and click on the “Settings” link.
  3. By default your screen will show the “Basic” page of the settings.  You will click on the “Permissions” page link at the top right of the settings section.
  4. Once you see the permissions page there are two sections.  Blog Authors, and Blog readers.  Under Blog Readers click the button next to “Only people I choose”.
  5. Because I will be grading you blogs, it is important for me to be able to see your blog so at this point type in my e-mail address ( into the box on your page (feel free to add your parents, friends, and others you wish to see your blog) and click invite.

Lets get blogging
Once your Blog has been set up you are ready to start blogging.  Your blog posts will be created using “Windows Live Writer”.  Find the program on your computer.  (it should be in a folder called “windows live” under you programs list).  Once you have found it click to open the program.  The most important thing you can do now is to be sure that your blog is set up and that you are not accidentally posting your info on someone else's blog.  In the publish section of the toolbar the title of your blog (it must have your last name as part of it) will be shown like to picture below.  The title of my blog is "PHOTO II - Todd Andrus"
Your first time in it will ask you to add your account.  Two things are important when you are adding your account.  First, use the information you created when making you Blogger account.  Second, when you are done you will need to remove your account from this computer so other people will not be able to post to you blog from the same computer.  The steps to get signed are basic and easy to follow so I will not detail it here.  Once you are connected the template from your blog should show on the screen.  Posting is just like using Microsoft word without all the whistles and bells.  If you find it easier you can write your posts in word, then copy and past them into Live Writer.
The first post you will be required to create will contain the following:
  • A Photo of you (Your face should be recognizable in the photo)
  • Take 5 pictures that tell me who you.  Tell in detail why those pictures describe you.
  • Name what you want to learn in this class.
  • Indicate if I may or may not use your posts as examples in the class.
Once you have created the post, review it and when you are happy with the way it looks print it then turn it in, next click the “Publish” button and it will automatically post it to your blog.  By default a web browser will open and you can see what our blog looks like to other people.
Congratulations!!  You are now not only a Blogger, you have finished blog assignment #1.